How can I stop a family member from taking advantage of, and keeping me from seeing, our elderly relative?

You have a few options in this situation. If you suspect that your mother or father is being abused, physically or emotionally, you can call your state’s protective authorities, who can investigate the situation. If you feel that it would be better to have someone else care for the person you’re concerned about or if you think there are financial irregularities going on, you can go to court and ask for a conservatorship of person and/or of estate.

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California Elder Abuse Lawsuits: How Are They Typically Resolved?

Elder abuse and dependent abuse cases involve the neglect and mistreatment of senior citizens and those in the care and custody of others such as nursing homes, assisted living facilities and home care situations often involve horrific circumstances. While not all of these cases result in litigation, many do. So, how are those typically resolve

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Qualifying for Government Assistance for Nursing Home Care

Government assistance for nursing home care, usually referred to as Medicaid in most states, or Medi-Cal in California, is a combination of state and federal aid provided to qualified state residents. This article explores the spend-down rules for Medicaid or Medi-Cal as it is called in California.

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How long does conservatorship last?

A conservatorship will last as long as it is needed. It will end if the conservatee, or person who is the subject of the conservatorship, no longer needs a conservator. For example, if someone was unable to care for himself because of the effects of a medical condition, but he is treated or recovers sufficiently to care for himself again, then there will be no more need for a conservator and the conservatorship will end.

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How is a conservator paid? (2025 Update)

Typically a conservatorship allows the conservator to be paid for his or her services. The conservator is also entitled to attorney fees to seek legal advice when necessary. The costs and expenses of a conservatorship are paid from the property of the person who is the subject of the conservatorship, also called the conservatee.

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What if I do not want to go to a nursing home?

Except for a possible temporary placement in an emergency situation, you don’t have to go into a nursing home if you don’t want to as long as you are able to care for yourself or arrange for your own care. If you are unable to take care of yourself or to arrange for care, then you could be forced into a nursing home by a court.

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Nursing Home Residents’ Rights

The biggest concern most people have when they place their elderly parent or spouse in a nursing home is the quality of care their loved one will receive. This article explains the Nursing Home Reform Act (1987) that requires certain services to be provided in nursing homes and establishes a Nursing Home Residents’ Bill of Rights.

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